Amazing Grace
June 2022

“Amazing Grace,” Friend, June 2022

Amazing Grace

She loved her body, no matter what anyone else said.

girl riding a bike

“Mom! Watch this.” Grace shuffled her feet, tapping her dance shoes on the kitchen floor.

“Wow!” Mom said. “You’re getting good.”

Grace did a spin. She loved to dance.

Her older brother Nate came down the stairs. It was time for him to ride his bike to school.

“Bye, Mom! Bye, Grace,” he said, running out the door.

“Can I run to the end of the street with him and then run back?” Grace asked Mom.

Mom glanced at the clock. “Sure,” she said. “You still have time before you have to leave for school.”

Grace kicked off her tap shoes and quickly put on her sneakers. She burst out the door. Nate was climbing onto his bike. Grace ran beside him until he got to the end of the street. She waved as he turned the corner. Then she turned and skipped back home.

“I’m back!” Grace called to Mom. She plopped down on the couch.

“That was so fast!” Mom said. She sat down next to Grace. “Look at all these amazing things you can do. Dance. Run. Your body is a wonderful gift.”

Grace thought about that. She didn’t think her body was that wonderful. Especially when she compared herself to the other kids at school. Sometimes she even complained about her body.

But she did love running. And she felt so happy when she danced. And that was all thanks to her body. She swung her legs and grinned. Maybe her body was wonderful.

girl tap dancing

A few days later, Mom picked Grace up from school. “How was your day?” Mom asked.

“Good.” Grace climbed into the car and buckled her seatbelt. “Well, mostly good. At lunch a boy said something mean about my body.”

Mom glanced at her in the rearview mirror. “Oh, sweetie. I’m so sorry.”

Grace shrugged. “I told him what he said wasn’t kind. And then I left and talked to other kids.”

“I’m proud of you,” Mom said. “How did you stay so calm?”

Grace bounced her feet. “Well, I remembered what you told me. About how my body is a gift from Heavenly Father. I know that if I take care of my body, He will bless me to be able to do what I need to do.”

Mom parked in front of their house. “You are absolutely right! Are you OK?”

“I’m fine. I’m going to go for a bike ride before I do my homework, OK?” Grace bounced out of the car. Soon she was on her bike, pedaling fast down the sidewalk.

She loved her body, no matter what anyone else said. Her body was a gift.

Grace whooped and pedaled even faster.

Page from the June 2022 Friend Magazine.

Illustrations by Colleen Madden
