Coloring the Boring Day Away
June 2022

“Coloring the Boring Day Away,” Friend, June 2022

Coloring the Boring Day Away

Sharing pictures with the neighbors was so much fun!

girl sitting and looking grumpy

Clara groaned. “There’s nothing to do!”

There were lots of things she wanted to do. But she couldn’t. She wanted to go swimming. But the pool was closed. She wanted to play with her toys. But they were packed away. She wanted to play with her friends. But her family had just moved. Now they lived in an apartment where they didn’t know their neighbors.

“Why don’t you color a picture?” Mom asked.

“That’s boring,” Clara said.

But her little brother, Ben, jumped up. “OK!” he said. He ran over to the table and found some crayons. He drew a tree and a yellow sun.

“I want to give this to our neighbor,” he said.

Clara frowned. “But we don’t know our neighbors.”

“Then let’s go meet them!” Mom said.

Ben and Mom walked out the front door. They knocked on the door across the hall. Clara watched from the doorway.

A woman answered. Ben handed her the picture. The woman smiled. “Thank you,” she said.

Clara watched Ben walk back to the table with a big smile. Maybe coloring isn’t so bad, she thought.

brother and sister drawing together

Clara sat by Ben. They both colored a picture. Clara drew a rocket ship and lots of stars.

They gave their pictures to two more neighbors. Then they colored more. They gave out pictures for the rest of the afternoon. Some people looked sad when they answered the door. But when they saw the picture, they smiled. Clara and Ben even met a few kids who lived in the apartment building.

boy holding butterfly picture and girl holding rocket drawing

When they were done, Clara grabbed Mom’s hand. “That was really fun.”

Mom smiled. “When we do a nice thing for someone, it makes them happy. It makes us happy too. And best of all, it makes Heavenly Father happy.”

“Maybe tomorrow we can ask the other kids to color with us,” Clara said.

“That sounds like a great idea.”

Clara smiled. Coloring and sharing pictures had been fun. Her boring day had turned into a happy one!
