Silvia’s Long Trip to the Temple
October 2022

“Silvia’s Long Trip to the Temple,” Friend, October 2022, 34–35

Pioneers in Every Land

Silvia’s Long Trip to the Temple

Silvia knew the trip would be worth it.

Family driving away from the temple

Silvia skipped into the Primary room and sat down. She always felt good at Primary.

Sister Rioja held up a picture of the temple. “In the temple, we can be sealed to our families,” she said. “That means we can be with them forever if we follow God’s commandments.”

Silvia raised her hand. “I’m going to the temple to be sealed to my family in a few days!” she said. “I’m so excited.”

Sister Rioja smiled. “It will be a long drive for you! But I know it will be worth it.”

There wasn’t a temple in Spain, where Silvia’s family lived. So they would have to drive all the way to the temple in Switzerland. It would take two days!

On Tuesday morning, Silvia woke up early. She helped her parents pack the car. It was time to drive to the temple.

In the car, Silvia tried to get along with her sister and little brother. They played games and sang songs. Papá played a recording of classical Spanish music as they drove. When she got tired, Silvia stared out the window. She watched the green hills roll by until she fell asleep.

The first day passed. It felt like the drive would never end. But Silvia remembered what Sister Rioja said. It will be worth it, she thought.

After another day of driving, Silvia finally spotted the white temple spire. “There it is!” She pointed out the window. “There’s the temple!”

Silvia’s little brother clapped his hands. Mamá wiped away happy tears.

“We made it,” Papá said.

Inside the temple, Silvia and her family changed into white clothes. A nice temple worker sat with Silvia and her siblings. Then she led them to the sealing room.

Light sparkled from a chandelier. Mamá and Papá knelt at an altar covered with a soft piece of lace. They were smiling.

Silvia, her brother, and her sister knelt next to Mamá and Papá. Silvia looked into the big mirrors on the wall next to them. The reflection went on and on. A warm feeling filled her heart. Now her family could be sealed together forever.

When it was time to go home, Silvia and her family piled back into their car. They were some of the first Church members from Spain to go to the temple, and that made them pioneers!

As they drove away, Silvia looked out the window one more time. The temple glowed against the summer sky. She couldn’t wait to come back to the temple again someday.

Spain is a Spanish-speaking country in western Europe.

Today there is a temple in Madrid, Spain’s capital city.

Spain grows more olives than any other country in the world.

Silvia was six years old when her parents were baptized.

She helped in Primary by being a greeter and welcoming children as they arrived.

Today Silvia is sealed to her husband and three children.
