Liv and Melanie’s Family Magazine
October 2022

“Liv and Melanie’s Family Magazine,” Friend, October 2022, 24–25

Liv and Melanie’s Family Magazine

Photo of two girls drawing with markers

Hello, everyone!

My name is Liv. I am eight years old. I set a goal to do family history. My mom thought I should make my family’s stories into a magazine. My younger sister Melanie and I loved the idea. We got to work right away.

Child’s drawing with words in Chinese

For our July issue, we interviewed family members whose birthdays are in July. Here are some of the questions: (1) What has been your favorite and least favorite birthday gift? (2) What is your favorite birthday cake flavor? (3) What short yet interesting life stories can you share with us?

story written in Chinese characters by child

Then we worked on the August issue. The theme was Father’s Day. First we interviewed all the fathers in our family. We asked what Father’s Day gift they would want most. Then we interviewed four sons in the extended family and asked them to share stories about their dads. I loved working on this issue because of all the funny stories that were shared.

children’s drawing matching photos

Usually I only see my extended family members on Chinese New Year. But creating a family history magazine has helped me get to know them better. At first I was pretty nervous to talk to family members I didn’t know that well. But over time, it got easier and even fun. I am grateful for the family Heavenly Father has blessed me with.

Page from the October 2022 Friend Magazine.
