“Meet Edrick from Guatemala,” Friend, October 2022, 18–19
Helping Hands around the World
Meet Edrick from Guatemala
Meet Primary children helping others, like Jesus did.
All about Edrick
Age: 4
From: Sololá, Guatemala
Language: Spanish
Goals and dreams: 1) Learn to ride a bike. 2) Own a cow. 3) Become a police officer.
Family: Edrick, Mamá, Papá, Grandma, and Great-grandma
Edrick’s Helping Hands
Edrick and his family love to help! His mom works in a shop teaching people how to sew. At the shop, they also have a vegetable garden. People who come to the shop can take vegetables home if they don’t have food. Edrick helps by watering the plants. “Eating vegetables is important to grow strong,” Edrick says. He is glad he can help grow healthy food for others to eat.
Edrick also likes ministering with his dad. They spend time with the children and youth in their ward. “I like to help the older kids,” says Edrick. He is happy when he serves others.
Edrick’s Favorites
Place: His mom’s sewing shop, where he can play and help with the garden
Story about Jesus: When Jesus healed a sick man
Primary Song: “Called to Serve” (Children’s Songbook, 174–75)
Food: Chicken with fries
Color: Blue
Subject in School: Writing letters and numbers