Cum îi pot ajuta pe toți să se simtă bineveniții?
noiembrie 2022

Răspunsuri de la un apostol

Cum îi pot ajuta pe toți să se simtă bineveniții?

Adaptare după „Loc în casa de poposire”, Liahona, mai 2021, p. 24-27.

Spot 1: A boy of African descent thinking with a thought bubble coming out from the side of his head. Spot 2: A Hispanic girl pointing to her smile. Spot 3: A name tag – no type on it. Spot 4: Two Caucasian boys sitting on a bench together with backpacks on.

Gândește-te cum te-ai simți dacă ai fi în locul lor.

Spot 1: A boy of African descent thinking with a thought bubble coming out from the side of his head. Spot 2: A Hispanic girl pointing to her smile. Spot 3: A name tag – no type on it. Spot 4: Two Caucasian boys sitting on a bench together with backpacks on.

Zâmbește unor persoane.

Spot 1: A boy of African descent thinking with a thought bubble coming out from the side of his head. Spot 2: A Hispanic girl pointing to her smile. Spot 3: A name tag – no type on it. Spot 4: Two Caucasian boys sitting on a bench together with backpacks on.

Află numele persoanelor cunoscute recent.

Spot 1: A boy of African descent thinking with a thought bubble coming out from the side of his head. Spot 2: A Hispanic girl pointing to her smile. Spot 3: A name tag – no type on it. Spot 4: Two Caucasian boys sitting on a bench together with backpacks on.

Stai cu cei care stau singuri.

Ilustrații de Julissa Mora
