Hi, Friends!
December 2022

“Hi, Friends!” Friend, December 2022, 42

Hi, Friends!

A young boy named Tucker Shepherd with an yellow hi light around his face.

I made a gingerbread house with my family!

Tucker S., age 4, Alabama, USA

A young girl named Abigail Davies with an yellow hi light around her.

I like to sing “Silent Night.”

Abigail D., age 3, Washington, D.C., USA

A young boy named Owen Neibaur with an yellow hi light around his face.

I try to be kind like Jesus.

Owen N., age 3, Nevada, USA

A young girl named Aasa Laitinen with an yellow hi light around her face.

I like visiting the cemetery on Christmas Eve. We light candles on the graves of family and friends.

Aasa L., age 3, Northern Savonia, Finland
