The New Teacher
December 2022

“The New Teacher,” Friend, December 2022, 46–47

The New Teacher

This image shows the little girl looking up in her Sunday clothes. A little girl is scared to meet her new primary teacher.

Anna liked going to Sunbeam class. She liked her teachers, Brother and Sister Lee. She liked the lessons about Jesus. She liked knowing the words to the songs.

But now she wouldn’t be in the Sunbeam class anymore. Today she would be in a new Primary class. She would have new teachers. She would sit in a new row in singing time. She would have a new classroom.

Anna was nervous. She wanted to sit with Sister Lee. She tried not to cry as she walked into the Primary room.

One of her new teachers smiled at her. “Hi, I’m Sister Ball. What’s your name?”

“I’m Anna,” Anna said.

Sister Ball patted the chair next to her. “Would you like to sit by me? This is my first time in Primary.”

This image only shows the teacher and she has pulled a chair close to her side. A little girl is scared to meet her new primary teacher.

Anna sat down by Sister Ball. “I can help you. I know all the songs!”

“Thank you,” said Sister Ball. “That would be a big help.”

Soon her friend Beth came in. Last year she was in the Sunbeam class with Anna. Beth sat by Anna.

“This is Beth,” Anna told Sister Ball.

Anna smiled. She liked her new Primary class after all!
