Meet Jun Eui from Hong Kong
December 2022

“Meet Jun Eui from Hong Kong,” Friend, December 2022, 18–19

Helping Hands around the World

Meet Jun Eui from Hong Kong

Meet Primary children helping others, like Jesus did.

A picture of Jun Eui Lee, Seona Lee, Bella Lee and Tessa Lee.

All about Jun Eui

This image is spot #1 SPOT 1: Jun Eui flying an airplane SPOT 2: Portrait of Jun Eui with his parents, and three younger sisters. SPOT 3: South Korean House SPOT 4: Moses parting the Red Sea SPOT 5: Blue scripture book with starburst behind it SPOT 6: Plate of Spaghetti noodles with white cream sauce SPOT 7: green marker swatch SPOT 8: notebook and pencil with calculator and triangle

Age: 11

From: Hong Kong, China

Languages: English, Cantonese, Mandarin, Korean

Goals and dreams: To be a pilot

Family: Jun Eui, Father, Mother, three younger sisters

Jun Eui’s Helping Hands

Jun Lee helps pick up trash during a service project in Korea.

Jun Eui lives in a huge city full of skyscrapers. But for Jun Eui, the most important place in Hong Kong is his family’s home. When others need help, he is patient and tries to help them. He helps his sisters with their homework. He helps his mother with chores. He vacuums, mops, washes dishes, folds clothes, and cleans bedrooms. “When I help my family and when I help other people, I feel happy, and I feel the Holy Ghost,” Jun Eui says.

Jun Eui’s Favorites

This image is a conglomerate of spots 3-6 SPOT 1: Jun Eui flying an airplane SPOT 2: Portrait of Jun Eui with his parents, and three younger sisters. SPOT 3: South Korean House SPOT 4: Moses parting the Red Sea SPOT 5: Blue scripture book with starburst behind it SPOT 6: Plate of Spaghetti noodles with white cream sauce SPOT 7: green marker swatch SPOT 8: notebook and pencil with calculator and triangle

Place: Home and Grandma’s house in South Korea

Story about Jesus: When He helped Moses part the Red Sea

Primary song: “Scripture Power” (ChurchofJesusChrist.org)

Food: Spaghetti with white cream sauce

Color: Green

Subjects in school: Mathematics, English
