Minä voin seurata Jeesusta rukoilemalla
Tammikuu 2023

Minä voin seurata Jeesusta rukoilemalla

Panel 1 of 6 1. Praying at church in Primary class (see reference photos) He would be standing up. 2. Praying by their bed in the morning, kneeling 3. Praying by their bed at night. 4. Praying in a car, in a car seat, seat-belts on. 5. His family praying together at the dinner table, show him with sisters. Including 6 hidden items. 6. Items: Button, Yo-yo, screwdriver, rulers, paint brush, envelope

Minä voin rukoilla taivaallista Isää.

Panel 3 of 6 1. Praying at church in Primary class (see reference photos) He would be standing up. 2. Praying by their bed in the morning, kneeling 3. Praying by their bed at night. 4. Praying in a car, in a car seat, seat-belts on. 5. His family praying together at the dinner table, show him with sisters. Including 6 hidden items. 6. Items: Button, Yo-yo, screwdriver, rulers, paint brush, envelope

Voin rukoilla aamulla, kun herään.

Panel 2 of 6 1. Praying at church in Primary class (see reference photos) He would be standing up. 2. Praying by their bed in the morning, kneeling 3. Praying by their bed at night. 4. Praying in a car, in a car seat, seat-belts on. 5. His family praying together at the dinner table, show him with sisters. Including 6 hidden items. 6. Items: Button, Yo-yo, screwdriver, rulers, paint brush, envelope

Voin rukoilla illalla ennen nukkumaanmenoa.

Panel 4 of 6 1. Praying at church in Primary class (see reference photos) He would be standing up. 2. Praying by their bed in the morning, kneeling 3. Praying by their bed at night. 4. Praying in a car, in a car seat, seat-belts on. 5. His family praying together at the dinner table, show him with sisters. Including 6 hidden items. 6. Items: Button, Yo-yo, screwdriver, rulers, paint brush, envelope

Voin rukoilla milloin tahansa!


Panel 5 of 6 1. Praying at church in Primary class (see reference photos) He would be standing up. 2. Praying by their bed in the morning, kneeling 3. Praying by their bed at night. 4. Praying in a car, in a car seat, seat-belts on. 5. His family praying together at the dinner table, show him with sisters. Including 6 hidden items. 6. Items: Button, Yo-yo, screwdriver, rulers, paint brush, envelope

Milloin sinä rukoilet perheesi kanssa? Etsi alla olevat esineet.

Kuvitus Laura Zarrin
