“I Can Stand Up for Others,” Friend, February 2023, 24–25
I Can Stand Up for Others
I Can Notice Others
A man named Zacchaeus wanted to see Jesus. He was short, so he climbed a tree to see better. Most people did not like Zacchaeus. But Jesus didn’t care what people thought. He noticed Zacchaeus and asked to visit him at his house. (See Luke 19:2–10.)
When someone is alone, I can reach out and be kind to them.
I Can Include Others
Some children came to see Jesus. His disciples wanted to send them away. But Jesus said, “Suffer the little children to come unto me” (Mark 10:14). He blessed them and spent time with them.
When someone is left out, I can invite them to spend time with me.
I Can Speak Up for Others
One night, a woman brought oil to Jesus as a gift. Other people said she was being wasteful. But Jesus said, “Let her alone” (Mark 14:6). He told them she had done something good.
When others say unkind things about someone, I can say something kind instead.