Come to My Baptism!
Special Issue: Baptism and Confirmation

“Come to My Baptism!” Friend, August 2023, 14.

Come to My Baptism!

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Artwork by Anna Oldroyd

Make colorful cards to invite people to your baptism! Who do you want to invite? You can pray and listen to the Holy Ghost for some ideas.

  1. Fold each paper in half. On the front or inside of the card, write a note inviting people to your baptism.

  2. Add the date, time, and address for your baptism.

  3. Dip your finger in the paint to add decorations! Check out the ideas on this page.

  4. Give the cards to your friends and family!

I wanted to share my baptism with the people I love. So with my mom’s help, my sister and I invited our friends and classmates to my baptism. The day of my baptism, everything went well. There were a lot of people there. I’m very happy I was baptized!

Eve O., age 8, Fort-de-France, Martinique
