How I Got Baptized
Special Issue: Baptism and Confirmation

“How I Got Baptized,” Friend, August 2023, 12–13.

How I Got Baptized

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Hi! I’m Aranoarii. I live in Tahiti. I’m 11 years old, and I am proud to say that I’m a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

How did you learn about the Church?

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Some friends invited my family to a Church activity. We were also invited to a child’s baptism. I asked my mom if I could meet with the missionaries because I really wanted to learn more about Jesus Christ.

What was it like meeting with the missionaries?

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The missionaries were really nice! I was always excited to have lessons with them about Jesus Christ and His gospel. I liked the stories they told me and the games we played to help me learn.

What was your baptism like?

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My dad baptized my mom and me on my 11th birthday. I was very happy! We invited many people that we love. My classmates and teacher came to support me.

When I came out of the water, I was bursting with joy. I smiled all the way to my ears! I was so happy I could follow Jesus Christ’s example.

What was it like to go to Primary for the first time?

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At first, I was so nervous I was about to cry. But then I went to a Primary activity. I got to know everyone, and I made some friends.

If you are new, my advice is to come to your Primary class, even if you’re scared at first. We love new people!

How do you follow Jesus?

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I pray and go to church every Sunday. I talk with my family about the gospel of Jesus Christ.

I try to look out for others who need help. At home, I help my mom with chores. I help my dad with gardening, cutting wood, and building things. A few months ago, our ward had a talent show. I’m a musician, so I played the drums the whole night!

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Photographs by Stéphane Sayeb
