Hearing the Holy Ghost
Special Issue: Baptism and Confirmation

“Hearing the Holy Ghost,” Friend, August 2023, 21.

Hearing the Holy Ghost

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Illustration by Xavier Bonet

Last summer, my family went on a hike. The trail led to a stream. My older sister, my younger brother, and I took off our shoes and walked into the water.

When the water was a little past my knees, we stopped. We saw a group of older kids playing in deeper water up ahead. My sister smiled and said, “We should go deeper!”

But a voice in my head told me to stay back with my little brother. I knew that it was the Holy Ghost. I told my sister that she could go check it out, but my little brother and I would stay.

When my sister got back, she said the water was really rough and hard to walk in. When she said that, I knew I had made the right choice to stay safe with my little brother.
