Jesus Christ Healed a Man
November 2023

“Jesus Christ Healed a Man,” Friend, Nov. 2023, 24–25.

Stories of Jesus

Jesus Christ Healed a Man

Remove this page and fold it in half. Then hold the picture up while you tell the story.

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Illustration by Sam Lawlor

One day, Jesus Christ saw a man who was blind. Some people thought God made the man blind to punish him. “Did this man sin? Or did his parents sin?” they asked.

Jesus said the man’s blindness was not a punishment. “Neither has this man sinned, nor his parents,” He said.

Jesus put some clay on the man’s eyes. Then He told the man to wash in a pool of water. When the man did what Jesus said, he was healed! The man could see.

Sometimes hard things happen to us. Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father can help us learn, grow, and have peace. They love us and want to bless us!
