The Tryouts
November 2023

“The Tryouts,” Friend, Nov. 2023, 30–31.

The Tryouts

Jared knew that Jesus Christ was on his side.

This story took place in France.

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Jared dribbled the ball across the court. Players ran around him, their shoes squeaking on the floor.

“I’m open!” Gabriel called.

Jared passed the ball to Gabriel and kept running. Then Gabriel passed the ball back. Jared threw the ball at the hoop.


It went in!

“Nice work, Jared,” his coach said after the game. “You know, tryouts for the regional team are in two weeks.”

Jared grinned. Only a few players were invited to try out for that team.

“The tryouts will be on Sunday,” the coach said. “Do you think you can make it?”

Jared’s excitement was gone as quickly as it came.

“On Sunday?” Jared asked.

“Yes. Is that a problem?”

Jared thought about it. This was his chance to play on a really good team! But Sundays were when he went to church and focused on the Savior.

“Sundays are a special day for me,” Jared said. “But I’ll talk to my parents about it.”

That night, Jared sat on his bed with his parents. He tossed his basketball in the air while he thought. “I really want to try out for the team,” he told Mom and Dad. “But I don’t want to do it on a Sunday. I know God is more important than basketball.”

“What can we do to help?” Mom asked.

Jared turned the ball in his hands. “Can we say a prayer together?”

He put his basketball away and knelt down with Mom and Dad. “Dear Heavenly Father,” he said, “I really, really want to try out for this basketball team. But the tryouts are on a Sunday! I know Sunday is the day I give to Thee. What can I do?”

After the prayer, Jared felt a comforting feeling.

“How do you feel?” Mom asked.

“I’m not going if the tryouts are on a Sunday,” he said. “But I have a feeling it will all be OK.”

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Two days later, Jared’s mom got an email. It said the tryouts would be on Saturday now instead!

Jared could try out and keep the sabbath day holy! He knew Heavenly Father had heard his prayer.

For the next two weeks, Jared practiced basketball as much as he could. When the big day came, Jared did his best. He ran quickly between plays, made most of his shots, and cheered for his teammates.

“The following players will continue with tryouts for the team,” the coach said after the first round. “Please listen for your name.”

Jared’s heart thumped loudly. The coach called one name. Then another. And another. Jared felt his hope of making the team start to fade.

Soon the coach finished the list. He hadn’t called Jared’s name. Jared would not be moving on to the next round of tryouts.

Jared sat on the bench outside the gym and stared at his shoes. He had worked so hard. But it felt like all his work was for nothing.

When Mom picked him up, Jared shook his head. “I didn’t make the team.”

Mom wrapped him in a tight hug. “I’m sorry it didn’t turn out how we wanted,” she said.

Jared took a deep breath. Then, a comforting thought came to him.

“Things won’t always work out how I want,” he said. “But Jesus Christ knows exactly how I feel. He’s on my side.”

Mom smiled. “You’re right! He does know how you feel.”

Jared smiled back. He was still sad, but he felt better knowing the Savior understood how he felt. Jared knew Jesus would always love and support him.

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Illustrations by Britain Morris
