Following Jesus in New Zealand
December 2023

“Following Jesus in New Zealand,” Friend, Dec. 2023, 16–17.

Following Jesus in New Zealand

Meet Tarnae and Nephi!

About Tarnae and Nephi

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Ages: 12 and 9

From: Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand

Languages: English, Māori

Goals and dreams: Go on a mission, go to Tokyo, and be a fighter pilot (Tarnae). Go on a mission, go to New York, and bungee jump (Nephi).

Family: Tarnae, Nephi, Mum, Dad, five brothers, one sister

How They Follow Jesus

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Tarnae is preparing to go to the temple to do baptisms. His nan (grandma) found information about some ancestors so he could be baptized for them. “I am really excited to enter the temple,” says Tarnae. “I feel honored to help do the work for my ancestors.”

When their cousin got baptized, Nephi shared his testimony. Nephi told those at the baptism about Jesus Christ. “I know it is important to share my testimony to strengthen others,” Nephi says.

Their Favorites

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Nephi’s favorite scripture story is about Jesus feeding the five thousand. Tarnae’s is about Jesus’s baptism.

Their favorite place is Tongariro National Park, where they saw snow for the first time

Nephi’s favorite fruit is pineapple. Tarnae’s is oranges.

Tarnae’s favorite color is purple. Nephi’s favorite color is red.

Nephi’s favorite subject in school is reading and Tarnae’s is art.

Story PDF

Illustrations by Carolyn Vibbert
