Nativity Play
December 2023

“Nativity Play,” Friend, Dec. 2023, 26–27.

Nativity Play

Use this script to tell the story of Jesus Christ’s birth.

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Illustration by Simini Blocker

Reader: One night in Bethlehem, Mary and Joseph needed a place to stay. Mary was going to have a baby. Her baby would be Jesus Christ, the Savior of the World.

[Joseph and Mary move to the innkeeper.]

Joseph: Please. We need a safe place to stay for the night.

Innkeeper: We don’t have room. But if you want, you can stay in the stable with the animals.

[Joseph and Mary move to the stable.]

Reader: Mary gave birth to baby Jesus in the stable.

[Mary holds baby Jesus.]

Reader: In some nearby fields, shepherds watched their sheep.

[Shepherds stand by the sheep.]

Reader: An angel came to the shepherds. At first, the shepherds were afraid.

[Angel moves to shepherds.]

Angel: Fear not. For unto you is born this day a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.

Reader: The angel told the shepherds they would find the baby Jesus lying in a manger. Many more angels came and sang. Then the shepherds went to the stable in Bethlehem.

[Shepherds move to Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus.]

Shepherd: He is our Savior. We should tell everyone!

[Shepherds leave Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus.]

Reader: The Wise Men also learned about baby Jesus. They followed a star to find Him.

[Reader holds up star. Wise Men follow the star to Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus.]

Reader: The Wise Men worshipped Jesus.

Wise Man: The scriptures said He would come one day. We bring gifts for our King.

Reader: This Christmas, we can give a gift to Jesus too. We can love Him. We can serve others. We can share His light with the world!
