Because of Jesus
December 2023

“Because of Jesus,” Friend, Dec. 2023, 32.

Friend to Friend

Because of Jesus

Adapted from “Christmas’s Greatest Gift” (First Presidency Christmas devotional, Dec. 4, 2022), Gospel Library.

Story PDF

Illustrations by Brooke Smart

In Portugal, many people set up a scene of Jesus Christ’s birth. You can see Nativity scenes all over the country at Christmas.

As a child, I loved to set up the Nativity. Each Christmas, we got out a wooden box. It was filled with tiny figurines of people, houses, farmers, and animals. We found fresh moss, hay, and stones to create small hills, valleys, trees, and fields. We even used bits of glass to look like rivers and streams.

We built the set over days or weeks, one piece at a time. The most important part was adding people from the scripture story. We put Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, angels, and others in the center and told stories about them.

When Christmas Day came, we placed the figure of baby Jesus in the manger. Then we told stories about Jesus Christ. We talked about how He is the greatest gift of all because of what He did for us. He gives us peace and hope. He helps us know who we are and why we are here. He guides and comforts us.

Because of Jesus, we can share our light. We can give others love, kindness, and service, even when it feels like we have little to give.
