“Following Jesus Together,” Friend, April 2024, 20–21.
Following Jesus Together
Primary children in Koror, Palau, meet on Sundays and learn together about Heavenly Father’s plan.
Amelia and William T., ages 10 and 7, Virginia, USA
Kezia M., age 9, Gauteng, South Africa
Armando R., age 9, Norte Region, Portugal
David T., age 9, Texas, USA
I have autism spectrum disorder. Drawing buildings I love helps me calm down when I feel anxious or angry.
William P., age 8, Utah, USA
I served at the food bank with my family. I washed eggs, threw the cracked eggs away, and sorted frozen meat. I know Jesus teaches us to serve others.
Saylor B., age 9, Oklahoma, USA
I follow Jesus by helping my little sister get dressed on Sunday mornings.
Malea R., age 9, with Estelle R., age 3, Lucerne, Switzerland
My favorite part of church is when I bear my testimony because I feel like I am getting closer to Heavenly Father.
Max S., age 7, Cautín Province, Chile
I couldn’t find my eraser to correct my homework. I prayed to Heavenly Father for help, and soon I found it in my English class bag.
Terry X., age 9, New Taipei City, Taiwan
I get mad sometimes. I take deep breaths and say prayers to help me feel good inside. I know the Holy Ghost is that good feeling.
Gwen S., age 7, New York, USA