The Sunday Choice
July 2024

“The Sunday Choice,” Friend, July 2024, 4–5.

The Sunday Choice

“What’s the sacrament?” Anita asked.

This story happened in Iceland.

Girls jumping on trampoline

“Higher!” Evolett said to her friend Anita. They were seeing how high they could jump on Evolett’s trampoline.

Just then, Anita jumped very high. When her feet landed again, it made Evolett fly up! Both girls crashed down on the trampoline. They laughed.

“This is so fun,” Anita said. “Can we play tomorrow too?”

Evolett flopped onto her back. “Yeah! I’d love to.”

“We can play at my granny’s house.” Anita’s granny lived a few houses away from Evolett.

Then Evolett remembered the next day was Sunday. She wanted to go to Primary. It would be fun to play with Anita, but she wanted to make a good choice.

“I just remembered I can’t,” Evolett said. “I’m sorry. I’m going to church with my family tomorrow.”

Anita stood up and bounced again. “Why?”

Evolett started jumping too. “Well, I want to follow Jesus Christ. My family goes to church every Sunday to learn about Him and take the sacrament.”

“What’s the sacrament?” Anita asked.

“That’s when we eat a small bite of bread and drink a little cup of water to remember Jesus Christ,” said Evolett. “Then people talk about how Jesus helps them. And after that, there’s a special class for kids!”

“That sounds fun!” Anita said. “Can I come?”

“Sure!” Evolett smiled.

Anita ran home to ask her granny if she could go to church with Evolett. The next morning, Evolett and her family picked up Anita on their way.

When they got to church, Evolett showed Anita around. She showed her the Primary room, the gym, and the chapel.

Soon it was time for sacrament meeting. Evolett and Anita sat together. Evolett tried to think of Jesus Christ during the sacrament. Then they listened to the talks.

Sacrament meeting speaker and girls meeting Primary teacher

Finally it was time for Primary! Evolett introduced Anita to some of her friends.

“This is my friend Anita,” Evolett said.

“We are so glad you came today. I am Sister Magnusson,” the Primary teacher said.

As Evolett and Anita listened to the lesson about Jesus Christ, Evolett felt happy inside. She liked being at church with Anita. She turned and smiled at Anita. Her friend smiled back.

“Thank you for inviting me,” Anita said on the way home.

Evolett was glad she could follow Jesus Christ. And she was glad that Anita wanted to learn about Him too.

It was fun to jump on a trampoline and fly in the air, but the warm feeling Evolett felt inside was even better.

Sacrament tray and girl looking up and looking peaceful
Story PDF

Illustrations by Fiona Powers
