Sunday Activities
July 2024

“Sunday Activities,” Friend, July 2024, 17.


Sunday Activities

Activity board with illustrations

Illustrations by Josh Talbot

Toss a small item, like a bean or a coin, onto the page. Then do the activity it lands on. When you’re done, try it again! Keep going until you get four in a row.

  • Read a story from the Friend.

  • Go on a nature walk with your family.

  • Look at pictures of temples.

  • Play a game with your family.

  • Learn a new Primary song.

  • Write a letter to a missionary.

  • List 10 things you are grateful for.

  • Draw a picture of your family.

  • Ask a parent for a family story.

  • Call a family member who lives far away.

  • Read scriptures outside.

  • Write a thank-you note to someone.

  • Build a temple out of blocks or sticks.

  • Act out a scripture story.

  • Visit someone who is lonely or needs help.

  • Make a treat and take it to your neighbors.

  • Watch a scripture video on

  • Sing a Primary song or hymn.

  • Do something nice for a family member.

  • Do an activity page in the Friend.

  • Write down your testimony.

  • Help your family make a meal or snack.

  • Color a picture or write a note for a Primary teacher.

  • Memorize an Article of Faith.

  • Make a collage of pictures from the Friend.
