Visiting Grandma and Grandpa
July 2024

“Visiting Grandma and Grandpa,” Friend, July 2024, 30–31.

Visiting Grandma and Grandpa

Ernesto wanted to share what he learned in Primary.

This story happened in Indonesia.

Ernesto put another shirt in his bag. He looked around the room. What else did he need to take? He saw his Book of Mormon on a table. He couldn’t forget that!

It was summer break. Ernesto’s family was going to visit Grandma and Grandpa. He was so excited to see his grandparents.

Boy and parents greeting grandparents

When Ernesto and his family arrived, Grandpa gave him a big hug. “I’m so glad you’re here!”

“We’ve missed you!” Grandma smiled and hugged Ernesto too.

“I’ve been waiting and waiting for today. We love visiting,” Ernesto said.

“Let’s go inside,” said Grandpa. “Grandma is going to make all your favorite foods.”

Ernesto walked into the house with Grandma and Grandpa. He was so excited to spend time with them.

The next morning, Ernesto woke up to the smell of rice cooking. He found Mom and Grandma busy in the kitchen. He kissed them both on the cheek. Then he ran out to the yard.

Dad and Grandpa were sitting and talking outside, drinking from cups.

“Good morning. Would you like some tea?” Grandpa held out his cup to Ernesto.

Ernesto looked at the cup of tea and then at Grandpa. He wanted to share what he had learned in Primary. “No, thank you, Grandpa,” he said. “I learned at my church that tea, coffee, and tobacco are not good for our bodies. I want to follow what Jesus wants me to do.”

Dad smiled. “Our family obeys the Word of Wisdom, but Grandpa believes differently, and that’s OK.”

“Thank you for sharing what you believe,” Grandpa said to Ernesto. “You are a good boy. You can have some hot water like your dad.” Grandpa poured Ernesto a cup of water from the kettle.

Ernesto took a sip. He felt happy inside for choosing the right.

At lunch, Ernesto got to eat his favorite foods. Grandma made nasi goreng, a dish with rice, eggs, meat, and vegetables. It was so delicious. And Ernesto liked talking to Grandma and Grandpa while they ate.

Plate with rice and egg

In the afternoon, the family played hide-and-seek together. Even Grandpa and Grandma played!

“I see you behind that tree, Ernesto!” Dad called, racing toward him. Ernesto laughed as he tried to get away. Playing with his family was fun.

That night, everyone sat around Grandpa as he told some stories. When Grandpa finished, Ernesto remembered that they had not read scriptures.

Ernesto jumped up. “I’ll be right back.”

He ran and got his Book of Mormon. When he came back, he asked, “Can we read?”

“I’m glad you remembered.” Mom took the book from Ernesto and turned to her favorite verse. She read it aloud. Then they all kneeled down.

“Would you like to pray with us?” Ernesto asked his grandparents.

“Yes, that would be nice,” Grandma said. She kneeled next to Grandpa.

Family reading the Book of Mormon together

Dad said the prayer. He thanked Heavenly Father that they got to spend time as a family.

After the prayer, Grandpa gave Ernesto a hug. “It’s good that your family prays,” he said. “I’m glad you want to be close to God. It will help your family stay strong.”

Ernesto felt warm and peaceful inside. He loved sharing his beliefs—something he loved—with Grandma and Grandpa—people he loved.

Story PDF

Illustrations by Melissa Manwill Kashiwagi
