The Light of Christ
August 2021

“The Light of Christ,” For the Strength of Youth, Aug. 2021, 32.

Line upon Line

The Light of Christ

Jesus Christ is the Light.

light of Christ


Illustrations by Adam Howling

The Light of Christ is a power and influence that comes from God through Jesus Christ. It gives life and light to all things and is given to all people (see Moroni 7:16).

enlighteneth your eyes

light bulb

Enlighten means to teach, bring knowledge to, or give insight to. Our eyes need light to be able to see. They send light to our brain so we can understand what we see. Jesus Christ gives light to our spirits and helps us understand His truth.

quickeneth your understandings


Quicken means to make alive. Through the Light of Christ, our minds and hearts become active and can understand all truth. This includes knowledge about the world around us and about right and wrong.

the law

Ten Commandments tablets

Law is a set of rules. Laws create order. There are laws for how things work in nature (like the law of gravity). There are also laws for how people should act (like God’s commandments).

all things are governed

Jesus in front of crowd

Govern means to rule, control, or direct. The Light of Christ is the law that governs everything. Jesus Christ once said, “I am the law, and the light” (3 Nephi 15:9). He gives life to all things. He sets the rules and brings order to all things. And He shows us how to gain eternal life.
