“Lebitso la Kereke ea Hae,” Bakeng sa Matlafalo ea Bacha, Mphalane 2021
Molaetsa oa khoeli Bakeng Sa Matlafalo ea Bacha Mphalane 2021
Lebitso la Kereke ea Hae
Ho na le moelelo kamor´a lebitso leo Jesu Kreste a le fileng Kereke ea Hae.
kereke eaka
Kereke—sehlopha sa batho ba lumelang lintho tse ts´oanang ba rapela ´moho. Kereke ena ke ea Jesu Kreste. O e qalile. O e etella pele. Ke ea Hae.
Jesu Kreste o re boleletse seo a batlang hore batho ba hae ba bitse kereke sona. Joale ke sona seo re tlamehang ho e bitsa sona—´me seo re tlamehang hore ka mosa re kope ba bang ho e bitsa. Lebitso lena le tsoa ho Jesu Kreste.
matsatsi a ho Qetela
Matsatsi a ho qetela—matsatsi ao re phelang ho ona; nako ea pele ho ho tla la bobeli ha Jesu Kreste. Jesu Kreste o khutliselitse Kereke ea hae lefats´eng bakeng sa nako ena ea ho qetela. E tla thusa ho lokisetsa lefats´e bakeng sa ho tla ha hae la bobeli
Kereke ea Jesu Kreste
(Bona “kereke eaka.”) Ena ke karolo ea pele ea lebitso leo Mopholosi a le fileng Kereke ea hae. O ile a e bitsa “Kereke” hobane o e hlophisitse. ´Me o behile lebitso la hae ho eona.
Mehla ea kajeno
(Bona “matsatsi a ho qetela.”) Ena ke karolo e latelang ea lebitso la kereke. E bonts´a feela hore ena ke kereke eo a e khutlisitseng matsatsing a na a hoqetela, e seng eo a ileng a e qala matsatsing a pejana.
Bahalaleli—lentsoe le bolelang “batho ba halalelang.” Ena ke karolo ea hoqetela ea lebitso la kereke. E bua ka litho tsa kereke. Jesu Kreste a ka re etsa hore re be batle ´me re hloeke. ´Me o re fa Moea o Halalelang ho re matlafatsa ha re ntse re leka ho etsa seo a se laetseng. Haeba re na le Tumelo ho ena ´me re tsoelapele ho iteka, oa re halaletsa. O re etsa Bahalaleli.
© 2021 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. E hatisitsoe USA. Tumello ea Sekhooa: 6/19. Tumello ea Phetolelo: 6/19. Phetolelo ea Monthly For the Strength of Youth Message, ´Mesa 2021. Sesotho. 17467 739