A Special Christmas in South America
December 2021

“A Special Christmas in South America,” For the Strength of Youth, Dec. 2021.

A Special Christmas in South America

What gift can bless an entire continent?

historical photo with Melvin J. Ballard

President Reinhold Stoof, President of the South American Mission; his wife, Ella; Elder Rey L. Pratt of the Seventy; and Elder Melvin J. Ballard of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles in South America.

With the birth of Jesus Christ over 2,000 years ago, our Heavenly Father gave the world the greatest gift it would ever receive. This gift was given quietly. Few knew about it. Even today, many are unaware of how the gift of our Savior blesses their lives.


Almost 100 years ago, on Christmas Day, another special gift was given to an entire continent. Most were unaware of this gift. It was given quietly, with no fanfare, no posts on social media, and no press conferences. Yet, what happened on this Christmas Day would help millions of people receive Heavenly Father’s ultimate gift of His Son.

A Christmas Prayer

Ninety-six years ago, in December 1925, three Church leaders arrived in Buenos Aires, Argentina. It took them 34 days to travel from Salt Lake City, Utah, to Buenos Aires, Argentina, by train and ship. At that time, there were only a few members in all of South America. But the Lord was preparing a way for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to have a bright future in South America.

Elder Melvin J. Ballard, a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, and two other Church leaders, Elders Rey L. Pratt and Rulon S. Wells, had been sent to Argentina on a special assignment. The prophet, President Heber J. Grant, sent them to dedicate the entire continent of South America for the preaching of the gospel.

On Christmas morning, Elder Ballard and his companions walked to a quiet willow grove in Buenos Aires. They sang hymns and read from the Book of Mormon. Then Elder Ballard offered a prayer. Under the direction of the President of the Church and through the apostolic authority he held, Elder Ballard said, “I turn the key, unlock, and open the door for the preaching of the gospel in all these South American nations.”1

Elder Ballard also asked for a blessing on the leaders of the nations in South America to be kind to the Church and allow the gospel to be preached in their countries so salvation may come to everyone.

A Prophetic Promise

After that Christmas morning, Elder Ballard and his companions spent the next eight months walking the streets of Buenos Aires and shared the message of the Restoration of the gospel. There were few teaching materials in Spanish at that time, but they tried their best and moved forward with faith. Their efforts resulted in only one conversion at that time.

Shortly before leaving Argentina, Elder Ballard said that the Church would grow gradually, “just as an oak grows slowly from an acorn.” But he promised that thousands would join the Church and that the day will come when the people in South America “will be a power in the Church.”2

The Gift Goes On

It’s been almost 100 years since that day and Elder Ballard’s prayer has been answered—and will continue to be answered—in incredible ways.

Today the Church in South America has:

  • 4,178,375 members

  • 97 missions

  • 21 temples (with 14 announced or under construction)

What a wonderful gift is the gospel of Jesus Christ! And like Elder Ballard and his companions, we have a responsibility and the opportunity to share this precious gift with others. This Christmas, remember this valuable gift, and try to share it. No matter where you are, there are plenty of opportunities to share the gospel with people around you. In doing so, you can do your part to help the gospel of Jesus Christ go to all the world.


  1. In Melvin R. Ballard, Melvin J. Ballard, Crusader for Righteousness (1966), 81.

  2. In Melvin R. Ballard, Melvin J. Ballard, 81.
