How We Celebrate Christmas
December 2021

“How We Celebrate Christmas,” For the Strength of Youth, Dec. 2021.

How We Celebrate Christmas

There is one gospel and one Savior. But throughout the world, we celebrate His birth in many different ways.

Do you love walking through snow-covered pine trees each December? How about strolling under palm trees while the hot sun beats down? Do you light candles for Advent? Make and share traditional treats? Have a barbecue on the beach?

A few youth from around the world describe how they celebrate Christmas. And they describe how things were a bit different last year during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Jakarta, Indonesia

Jakarta, Indonesia

“Christmas in Indonesia is definitely not a white Christmas, and it’s not cold. Also, although there might be some Christmas decorations here and there in malls, cafes, or hotels, the majority of the people here don’t celebrate Christmas.

“Still, my family celebrates as best as we can. I love eating cookies and sipping hot chocolate, shopping for new Christmas ornaments, and decorating the Christmas tree.

“Last Christmas I was with my parents and my brother only. I wasn’t able to meet my other relatives like my uncles, aunties, cousins, and grandparents due to COVID-19. It felt rather lonely and empty because we would usually gather together.

“Despite the circumstances we were in, it didn’t stop us from remembering the meaning of Christmas day, which is the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Throughout our Christmas celebration, we were able to eat delicious meals and to dress in nice clothing. I was lucky enough to receive a gift, and I got so many warm virtual Christmas greetings from the lovely people around me. These are wonderful blessings, and I was able to stay focused on Christ as I remember to be grateful for everything.”

young woman

Abigail S., 14, Jakarta, Indonesia


Munich, Germany, at Christmastime

Munich, Germany

“Christmas begins for us on December 1. The whole house is decorated. The Christmas markets normally open in the cities on the weekend of the first Advent.

“Everyone begins opening the doors on their Advent calendars on the first of December.


“On December 6, tradition says that St. Nicholas comes. He brings nuts, fruit, and chocolate. He fills boots that the children had cleaned and set out the night before. On Christmas Eve, December 24, we celebrate Christmas together and receive our gifts.

ornament shaped like a pickle

“We light the Advent candle every Sunday in December, and we sing Christmas songs, eat gingerbread, and drink punch. When it comes time to open our gifts, first we have to find a sour pickle in the Christmas tree. Whoever finds the pickle gets to open their gift first.

“During the COVID-19 pandemic, our family celebrated the Advent Sundays over video chats so that we could feel closer together.

“All of the Christmas markets were closed, and we were not allowed to have parties at school. However, we were able to enjoy the Christmas season because we had more time to bake cookies together. At our schools, we wrap gifts for children in need in other countries.

“Every year we watch films on the birth of Jesus Christ.

“Every Advent Sunday afternoon, we sing about Jesus Christ. We set up a Nativity in our living room that reminds us daily of our Redeemer.”


Samara, Saliha, and Sarai S., Bavaria, Germany


young man by Christmas tree

“This past year Christmas was very special to me. It was completely different from past Christmases. This year I engaged in helping many people during the pandemic.

“Though we couldn’t attend church or participate in some of our normal Christmas activities, helping others was still uplifting and made me feel the joy of Christmas. My family exchanged gifts with each other. We also made delicious food and served it to many of our friends of other faiths.

“I took the Light the World initiative diligently and served people. Doing so brought me peace and great happiness. I know Heavenly Father loves me and all His children. I know that Jesus Christ came to this world to love and to save us.”

Ruthwik V., 14, Bengaluru, India
