February 2022

“Connect,” For the Strength of Youth, Feb. 2022.



16, Sierra Leone


Photograph by Christina Smith

Being a young member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Sierra Leone is great. We all interact and have a lot of fun. We like to play football [soccer] together. I feel it’s really important that we become closer as a youth group.

I once tried attending another church when my faith wasn’t strong. But I found that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is different because it’s directed by revelation from the Lord. And the gift of the Holy Ghost always keeps us on the right path.

It’s great to be the only member at my school. I’ve shared the gospel with my friends, and it makes me feel great. I’ve taught them about the Book of Mormon, and I even invited them to watch general conference with me—and they came!

I believe that the Church is true and that it has the fulness of the gospel. My friends see me as cool and honest, and they see me as a good example because I live the gospel.
