“Connect,” For the Strength of Youth, Mar. 2022.
Adam L.
15, Jamaica
Photograph by Christina Smith
My parents show me how to be Christlike. They’re always helping people! And when they serve others, they don’t complain. They keep the Sabbath day holy. They also say their prayers every morning and night.
I learn other things from my parents. My dad is a great artist. He’s especially good at shading with a pencil. I set a goal to improve my art, so I watch him closely.
Another goal I have is to get good grades in school. Sometimes I worry during tests. One time was really bad, so I prayed. Afterward, I felt light and happy inside. I was able to take the test without problems. I know the Holy Ghost helped me to stop feeling afraid.
Once I was in a service project to help paint the walls of a nearby school. At first I didn’t want to be there, but then I started to feel better about it. Now, whenever I pass that school, it makes me feel special. I know I helped the children there.