What if I feel my efforts to share the gospel aren’t making a difference?
March 2022

“What should I do when I feel like my efforts to share the gospel aren’t making a difference?,” For the Strength of Youth, Mar. 2022.

Questions and Answers

“What should I do when I feel like my efforts to share the gospel aren’t making a difference?”

Follow Christ’s Example

young woman

“One time my teacher said God doesn’t exist. I had been reading the Book of Mormon every day and I knew what he was saying wasn’t true. I tried to share my testimony, but he wasn’t listening. I’ve learned my actions speak louder than my words. My friends are very supportive of my standards. They are always watching me because I am a member of the Church.”

Valeria F., 18, Honduras

Ask for Help

young man

“There are hundreds of ways to share the gospel. Sometimes your best efforts won’t guarantee your friends will appreciate you. You’re not on your own. Ask your Heavenly Father and Savior for help. You may discover something new.”

Banri O., 15, Japan

Be a Good Example

young woman

“I always remember the advice of my leaders: ‘Being an example is one of the best ways to share the gospel.’ If we strive to set a good example and be a light to others, it will be easier for us to share the gospel with more people. Being a representative of Jesus Christ can bring great blessings to our lives and to those around us.”

Bonnie Q., 16, Bolivia

It’s Their Choice

young woman

“I have been rejected many times when I’ve shared the gospel. Honestly, sometimes I feel sad because I don’t see any results. I’ve learned that it’s not my fault when people do not accept the gospel. It is their choice, and I should be patient. Later my efforts might make a difference. I can always pray for the people I invite.”

Cristina B., 18, Romania

Teach and Act Like Christ

young man

“We could think of new, fun ways of sharing the gospel. For example, we can learn from the way Jesus Christ preached through parables and actions. Our actions demonstrate who we are and our standards.”

Johann S., 16, Bolivia

Be Patient

“I have been rejected many times when I’ve shared the gospel. Honestly, sometimes I feel sad because I don’t see any results. I’ve learned that it’s not my fault when people do not accept the gospel. It is their choice, and I should be patient. Later my efforts might make a difference. I can always pray for the people I invite.”

Cristina B., 18, Romania

Keep Trying

“Many times when I invite my friends to come to church on Sundays, they decline the invitation. It’s hard to be rejected, but as I read the scriptures, I know that everything we do for others, we do for Jesus Christ. I believe that having patience is the key. We never know when the words we share might bless people.”

Valeria V., 14, Bolivia

Pray for Them

“An easy way to share the gospel is by showing your love for your friends. You can pray for the courage to share the gospel. You can also pray for them to have a better understanding of the message of the gospel.”

Yuria K., 18, Japan
