Farid’s Change of Heart
April 2022

“Farid’s Change of Heart,” For the Strength of Youth, April 2022

Farid’s Change of Heart

It all started with a simple invitation in a text message.

young man

When Farid was 14 years old, he thought he knew what he wanted in life, and religion wasn’t a part of it. He told his family he didn’t want to attend any church.


He had a full life in the beautiful city of San Pedro Sula, Honduras. His favorite activities were music, dancing, soccer, volleyball, swimming, and hiking. He spent most of his time reading philosophy books and hanging out with his friends. Farid was working toward a career in medicine, and he just wanted to enjoy life.

young man playing soccer on the beach

Farid said he was a selfish 14-year-old—he only thought about himself. “I didn’t care about my family or their needs,” he says. “I would fight with my cousin a lot.”

Then one Sunday, Farid’s life took an unexpected turn. While he was bored at home, his friend Isaías texted him and asked if he wanted to go to his church with him. That was the first time Farid visited The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Then Isaías invited him to attend seminary, and he loved it so much.

“I felt something in my soul that told me that I was in the right place, with the right people, and the right church,” says Farid.

Soon after he attended seminary for the first time, he joined the Church. And soon after that, he started noticing some unexpected changes in himself.

From Selfish to Selfless

Farid says, “I went from an immature 14-year-old who only wanted to be rebellious, to a young man with eternal perspectives. My family noticed, too.”

Farid stopped fighting with his cousin. Instead, he now tries to find ways to serve him such as making him lunch, cleaning his room, or asking him if he needs help. But in spite of the positive changes in Farid’s life, some of his family members were upset when he first joined the Church.

“I never let their comments change my opinion about the Church,” says Farid. “I am very grateful that my faith never stopped. Instead, it grew more and more. My family now accepts my beliefs because they’ve seen my example and how I’ve changed.”

There have been other big changes in Farid’s family as well. His mom is now taking lessons from the missionaries, and she wants to be baptized!


“Heavenly Father promises us that when we put in the effort, we will receive blessings,” says Farid. “But He has His timing. It has taken almost four years for one member of my family to want to get baptized. It hasn’t been easy for me. I’ve been tempted to think that the Church is false. But when I’ve asked Heavenly Father about the truthfulness of the Church, I’ve received my testimony, which keeps me strong.”


Forever Families

Farid says the biggest blessing he’s received since joining the Church is the knowledge that families can be together forever. A year after Farid joined the Church, his grandpa passed away. “I loved him so much,” Farid says. “He was one of my biggest examples. I felt really uncertain about where he would go in the next life.”

One of his friends at church talked with him about the plan of salvation and how he could do the temple work for his grandpa. Farid started working on his family history, and he went to the temple and was baptized for his grandpa.

“I have faith that when I die and pass through the veil, he will be waiting for me,” says Farid. “The Lord’s work doesn’t end in this life. I know now if my grandparents or parents pass away, we have the chance to see each other again in the life to come. We will be an eternal family.”

young man with framed photo

Endure to the End

Many youth in Honduras deal with the challenges of being surrounded by drugs and gang activity. Farid finds strength in thinking about the blessings that come from keeping God’s commandments. Focusing on those blessings helps him to endure.

young man

“In seminary I learned about seeing everything in life with an eternal perspective,” he says. “That changed my life. Now I think about the benefits that serving a full-time mission will bring to my life. I know that if I keep myself worthy, I will obtain lots of blessings. I think about my future children. They will be able to know that their dad was a missionary, and when I invite them to serve one, they will have my example to lean on.”


Farid also wants other youth to endure in their faith. He has this to say to them:

“Keep trying, and ask Heavenly Father to fill you with the faith and strength to never give up. Don’t keep your testimony to yourself. Always share it with someone: a friend, a neighbor, a cousin—whoever it is—and you’ll see others start to have interest in the church. That’s what happened to me. Heavenly Father works differently with each one of us. Never give up. Endure to the end, and Heavenly Father will give you your reward in due time.”
