Reminder to Be Pure
April 2022

“Reminder to Be Pure,” For the Strength of Youth, Apr. 2022.

Firm Foundations

Reminder to Be Pure

hand holding a ring

Illustration by Corey Egbert

Most people at my school do not have the same standards I do. At times it can be very hard. A lot of my friends use foul language and dress immodestly. There were times I went along with them and made choices I’m not proud of.

Then for Christmas my mom gave me what she called a purity ring. She told me the ring could help remind me to follow the Savior and to be pure in my thoughts and actions. I put it on and decided I would change. I began to be more careful about the words I used and how I dressed. I read my scriptures and went to seminary more often. And I tried even harder to be an example to my friends.

Sometimes people at school asked me about my ring. I felt kind of childish explaining it at first, but I have started to feel confident the more I talk about my standards. I have never taken my ring off, and I make sure that people know I have it. More of my friends have started looking up to me because they have noticed how I have changed.

Looking at my small ring helps me get back on the straight and narrow path, remember the Savior, and become a person I can be proud of. I know the Lord will be with us and we are able to feel His presence as we live the gospel, keep our standards, and strive to be more pure each day.

Jessie L., Missouri, USA
