undefined undefined Fun Stop
Fun Stop
April 2022

“Fun Stop,” For the Strength of Youth, Apr. 2022.

Fun Stop

Fun Stop

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Many Miracles

God’s power allowed the children of Israel to pass through the Red Sea on dry ground (see Exodus 14). What miracles, big or small, have you seen in your life?

Color Me

Building-Block Brain-Buster

Zebadiah Jr. is trying to match one of his father’s drawings for a wall in their new home. Which of the block piles is an exact fit? The block piles may be rotated but not flipped.

What’s Different?

Can you spot 10 differences between these photos?



I want to knock and tell him to turn it down, but it’s The Tabernacle Choir!

Ryan Stoker


Building-Block Brain Buster: D.

What’s Different: 1. scripture case color 2. number of lemon wedges in glass 3. color of crystal in ring 4. added bowl 5. wedge no longer cut out of cheese wheel 6. number of chunks falling from cheese wedge 7. spots missing from cheese wedge 8. glass missing shadow 9. number of rings on finger 10. blank page in scriptures