Light Up the World with Christmas Service
December 2022

“Light Up the World with Christmas Service,” For the Strength of Youth, Dec. 2022.

Light Up the World with Christmas Service

Youth from around the world share how serving others makes for a special Christmas season.

There are few better ways to remember the Savior during Christmastime than by following His example and serving others. You’ll feel Christ’s peace and love as you give of your time and talents. Here are a few youth from around the world who have been blessed by the service they’ve given during Christmastime.

Christmas in a New Land

Brandon (16), Jake (15), Melissa (12), and Grace (9) moved to Uruguay for three years when their parents were called as leaders of the Uruguay Montevideo Mission. December was hot and humid in Uruguay, nothing like the cold, snowy Christmases they were used to. Even though being away from home and family for three Christmases was hard, they found happiness as they served people around them. Each Christmas season, the family and the missionaries would wear red “Light the World” shirts as they served around the country.

“We went to the parks and beaches in Montevideo with the missionaries and cleaned up trash and debris from the summer storms,” says Jake. Brandon remembers, “The first Christmas we were in Uruguay, we taped candies to ‘Light the World’ pass-along cards to hand out. At sunset, lots of people would gather along the beach, so it was the perfect spot to give them candy and a card, even though we didn’t speak much Spanish.”

family at Christmastime

Photograph by Julie Olsen

For these siblings, serving made them feel at home and helped them focus on the Savior and the true meaning of Christmas.

Jake says, “Doing service for Light the World helped Christmas feel special. Even though we were used to having a white Christmas, serving made the warm Uruguayan summer feel like Christmas.” Melissa agrees. “Doing service took my mind off of what I was missing at home,” she says. “Making others happy made us happy and helped us feel more at home.”

Spreading Christ’s Joy

Jana B. from Baden-Württemberg, Germany, also loves to spread Christmas joy through simple acts of service.

“At first, we’d give our neighbors handmade gifts like soap, candles, or cookies,” Jana says. “Then, little by little, the neighbors started giving out Christmas gifts too. Now it’s a tradition. This year we baked the cookies for our neighbors with the missionaries and talked to our neighbors to bring them peace and joy. We don’t always do things with our neighbors and sometimes forget that they’re always there for us. When we give them Christmas gifts, it’s like a thank-you for helping us all year.”


Jana also finds time to serve her family.

“My grandma is 90 and lives alone,” she says. “It’s hard for her to go out anywhere. Last Christmas we did a lot of things to serve her, especially since it was her first Christmas without Grandpa. My grandma is always so excited when we come. It shows her that we love her.”

Most important of all, Jana knows that service can help her to follow the example of the Savior and remember the true meaning of Christmas.

“When you celebrate Christmas by bringing people joy, you’ll be reminded of Jesus Christ, and you can share the joy of His message with others,” Jana says.

Your Own Christmas Service

This Christmas, think of people around you who could use some kindness. You could cook dinner for your family or invite a friend to a youth activity. You could babysit for a neighbor, spend time with a friend doing one of their favorite things, bring warm blankets to the children’s hospital, or donate toys and clothes to a local charity.

Soon you’ll find that making others happy often turns out to be the best gift you can give yourself too! If you aren’t physically close to someone you love, remember that technology can help you serve them just the same. Try posting about why you love them on social media, caroling for them on a video call, or sending a fun package of letters and paper snowflakes in the mail. Your service can light up someone’s life.
