What do we know about Mary, the mother of the Savior?
December 2022

“What do we know about Mary, the mother of the Savior?,” For the Strength of Youth, Dec. 2022.

To the Point

What do we know about Mary, the mother of the Savior?

Mary and baby Jesus

Be It unto Me, by Liz Lemon Swindle

The young woman Mary, who was chosen to be the mother of Jesus Christ, was from Nazareth and was a descendant of David. Prophets in the Old Testament had foretold that the Messiah would come through David’s royal line (see, for example, Isaiah 11:1). As Jesus’s only earthly parent, Mary gave Him that lineage.

Also, as the angel Gabriel told Mary, “Thou … art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women” (Luke 1:28). Mary gained the Lord’s favor because she was worthy, humble, brave, and faithful. And she showed these qualities throughout her life.

Mary humbly accepted what God asked her to do (see Luke 1:38). And she bravely moved forward and trusted God, even though the circumstances of her pregnancy could have caused her some embarrassment because she was not married yet (see Luke 1:46–55). She also obeyed God faithfully. She bore Jesus, raised Him, taught Him. At the end of His mortal life, she was with Him. She stayed with His Apostles after He rose again and went to heaven (see Acts 1:14). Through her goodness, she truly was highly favored.
