Fun Stop
April 2023

“Fun Stop,” For the Strength of Youth, Apr. 2023

Fun Stop

Fun Stop
Fun Stop

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Flashlight Stories

Shine a flashlight behind the images (or hold the page up to a window or light) to learn more about the events surrounding the Savior’s atoning sacrifice.

Last Supper (see Matthew 26:17–30)

Gethsemane (see Luke 22:39–46)

Crucifixion (see Luke 23:33–46)

Resurrection (see John 20)

Time for Some Color

Color these images from the events surrounding the Savior’s atoning sacrifice.

International Easter Eggs

People from many countries decorate eggs at Eastertime. For some people, an eggshell represents an empty tomb and the risen Savior. Each egg below shows a decoration style from around the world. Can you guess which egg represents which country?

  1. Japan

  2. Czech Republic

  3. Germany

  4. United States

  5. Croatia

  6. Greece

  7. Slovenia

  8. Argentina

  9. Italy

  10. Mexico

Counting Loaves and Fishes

The Savior once fed 4,000 people with seven loaves of bread and a few fish (see Matthew 15:32–39). Can you figure out the answer to this loaves and fishes math equation?



Hey, Jake. What’s going on?

A guy in math class gave me a book. He said it has answers in it, but there isn’t anything about math in it at all!

Hmm. The answers in this book are for a much bigger test than the one you’re studying for.

Kevin Fales


International Easter Eggs: 1. H 2. C 3. J 4. B 5. D 6. F 7. A 8. I 9. G 10. E

Counting Loaves and Fishes: 20
