If I know someone is sinning, should I tell their bishop?
April 2023

“If I know someone is sinning, should I tell their bishop?,” For the Strength of Youth, Apr. 2023.

To the Point

If I know someone is sinning, should I tell their bishop?

If you somehow know that a person is doing something that might disqualify them from taking (or administering) the sacrament or going to the temple, before you do anything, you might pray to Heavenly Father first. make sure you are guided by love and concern for that person rather than any other motive.1 You may then choose to talk to either the person or the bishop. When you do, you should speak kindly and compassionately rather than accusingly.

Talking to the person privately would give them a chance to choose to go to their bishop and begin repenting on their own. If they won’t listen, you may want to talk to the bishop about it. The bishop has a special calling to watch over ward members and look out for their spiritual well-being. Because of his calling, the bishop is in a unique position to help.

Whatever you do, please remember that you shouldn’t talk to anyone else about it. That would be gossiping, which doesn’t help anyone.


  1. If the person is harming themselves or others, you may need to talk to the bishop or a trusted adult immediately.
