The Foundation of Christ’s True Church
October 2023

Come, Follow Me

Ephesians 2:20

The Foundation of Christ’s True Church

The Church is founded on prophets and apostles, with Jesus Christ as the chief cornerstone.

Dallin H. Oaks with young people

President Dallin H. Oaks, greets youth and young adults in Rockford, Illinois, USA, on February 12, 2023

In the spring of 2020, we celebrated the 200th anniversary of Joseph Smith’s First Vision, which initiated the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ. To mark this vital event, the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles prepared a proclamation, “The Restoration of the Fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ: A Bicentennial Proclamation to the World.” We declared that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the Savior’s restored Church.

Joseph Smith in the Sacred Grove

The Desires of My Heart, by Walter Rane

We testified that this Church is “anchored in the perfect life of its chief cornerstone, Jesus Christ, and in His infinite Atonement and literal Resurrection,” and that “Jesus Christ has once again called Apostles and has given them priesthood authority.”1 That is the foundation on which Christ’s true Church is built.

The Chief Cornerstone of Our Faith

In the past, foundations for buildings were often laid with large stones, which provided support to a building. The first and most important of these stones was the cornerstone. Once placed, the cornerstone determined the position of all other foundation stones.

The Apostle Paul taught that Christ’s true Church is “built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone” (Ephesians 2:20). The Lord Jesus Christ is the foundation for our faith and for the Church that bears His name.

Through the Savior’s incomparable life and Atonement, all who have ever lived will be resurrected from the dead. More than that, He opened the door for all to be forgiven of their sins through repentance, baptism, and sanctification by the Holy Ghost. In this way, through obedience to the gospel of Jesus Christ, we may return spotless to the presence of God.2

Jesus Christ

The Good Shepherd, by Michael Malm

I testify that Jesus Christ is the only Way to immortality and eternal life. I rejoice that I can spend the rest of my life proclaiming this most important truth to all the world.

What Does It Mean That the Church Is Also Founded on Apostles and Prophets?

Apostles were first called by Jesus Christ in His mortal ministry to preside over His Church. When His Church was restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith, He again called apostles to preside. All called to the office of apostle—whether in the First Presidency or Quorum of the Twelve—are sustained as “prophets, seers, and revelators,” but only the most senior is called the prophet because he presides over the entire Church and is uniquely authorized to speak for the Lord.3

Prophets and Apostles Are Chosen to Lead the Church

The Savior chooses who leads His Church and gives them the necessary authority and power. Today the Church is led by Jesus Christ through His prophet and apostle, Russell M. Nelson, and his counselors in the First Presidency, and through the Quorum of Twelve Apostles, who have the sacred responsibilities of witnessing “the name of Christ in all the world” and of building up and regulating the Church (Doctrine and Covenants 107:23, 33).

First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles at Rome Italy Temple

The First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles at the Rome Italy Temple Visitors’ Center, with statues of Jesus Christ and His original Twelve Apostles behind them

With my brethren in the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, I testify that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He is the Light of the World. He is our Savior from sin and death. His chosen leaders teach the doctrine of Christ4 and the other unchanging truths of the gospel as directed by the Holy Ghost. We have no desire other than to teach what is true and to encourage all to follow God’s “great plan of happiness” (Alma 42:8).

You can know this for yourself. Ask your Heavenly Father if we truly are the Lord’s apostles and prophets, and then apply our Savior’s teachings to your life. That is the way to the blessings of mortal and eternal life, I testify in the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Redeemer.
