Church Education: There Is a Place for Everyone
October 2023

“Church Education: There Is a Place for Everyone,” For the Strength of Youth, Oct. 2023.

Church Education: There Is a Place for Everyone

Education is important. The Lord—and His Church—will help you learn all you can.

youth in a circle

“What are my plans after high school?”

“What do I want to do?”

“Who do I want to be?”

“Is college right for me?”

These are important questions! And the answers will make a significant, lifelong difference in your life. That’s why the Lord—and His Church—want to help you learn all you can.

Why Is Education So Important?

Heavenly Father wants you to always be learning. There are temporal and spiritual reasons to seek learning and education. The scriptures teach that “the glory of God is intelligence, or, in other words, light and truth” (Doctrine and Covenants 93:36). Learning and education are “part of your eternal goal to become more like Heavenly Father.”1

Our dear prophet, President Russell M. Nelson, has taught, “In the Church, obtaining an education and getting knowledge are a religious responsibility. We educate our minds so that one day we can render service of worth to somebody else.”2

The Lord Will Help You

Great blessings come when you involve the Lord in your education. He will help you overcome obstacles—maybe you struggle to focus in school, or maybe reading is difficult for you. As you turn to the Lord and do your part, the Lord will amplify your efforts and provide opportunities you cannot imagine now!

Help from the Lord’s Church

No matter where you live, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has educational opportunities available through the Church Educational System (CES). This includes seminary, which provides a spiritual foundation to your learning during your high school years. And it includes many Church schools and programs.

Do you know why the Church invests so many resources in education? It’s because of the Lord’s love for you. He wants you to grow closer to Him and find emotional, intellectual, and spiritual strength. Church leaders want the same thing! We pray for you and for your success. We are invested in you and in helping you reach your divine potential.

Learning to Replace Fear with Faith

How can the Lord and His Church help you on your educational path? One young man from Brazil learned they can help in remarkable ways.

College felt scary to Samad: “I didn’t feel like it was for me,” he says. “But my father encouraged me to try BYU–Pathway Worldwide. I was scared and didn’t believe in myself, but I decided to join.”

At first, Samad felt frustrated. “I felt I had not achieved anything,” he says. “I needed light and hope. BYU–Pathway became that hope for me.”

Samad began to gain confidence in himself and in Heavenly Father. “The more I learned each week, the better I felt” he says. “The service missionaries and instructors reminded me of my talents and abilities. The marvelous courses and stories of people who received blessings helped me open my heart and let the Lord change me for the better.”

Samad’s hopelessness and fear of the future washed away with each new term. “I want to share this experience with others who are facing the same fears and anxieties I felt,” he says. “There’s hope in Jesus Christ. He can help you in your education. I took the first step, and I’ll never regret it.”

There is a place for you in whatever educational path you choose. The Lord wants you to use your education to make a difference, and He will guide you as you strive to learn throughout your life.

young people raising hands in school

What Opportunities are Available?

While all of the Church educational programs are designed to bring you closer to Jesus Christ, each has a specific focus. Here are options available through the Church Educational System:

  • Institute is a resource designed to provide a spiritual complement and a social connection to young adults who attend non-Church schools or no school at all.

  • BYU–Pathway Worldwide serves students in over 180 countries, helping them build confidence academically. Students can receive a high-quality, affordable education wherever they live.

  • Brigham Young University (BYU) in Provo, Utah, is academically rigorous, with selective admissions requirements and targeted graduate programs.

  • BYU–Hawaii has students from over 70 countries, with a focus on Asia and the Pacific.

  • BYU–Idaho has a central emphasis on serving undergraduate students with a teaching-focused faculty.

  • Ensign College in Salt Lake City, Utah, offers innovative, faith-enriching, and hands-on courses designed to help students in the greater Utah area get jobs.
