The 10 Virgins
October 2023

“The 10 Virgins,” For the Strength of Youth, Oct. 2023 

The Savior’s Parables

The 10 Virgins

Matthew 25:1–13

The Ten Virgins

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10 women waited to join the bridegroom for the wedding.

5 were prepared with enough oil to light their lamps through the night. 5 were not.

The bridegroom was delayed, and the virgins fell asleep as they waited for hours in the darkness.

When his coming was announced, they woke to find their lamps were going out.

The 5 wise women had added more oil to relight their lamps. But they could not spare any for the 5 foolish women who had run out.

While the foolish 5 looked for oil, the bridegroom came.

The foolish 5 arrived late to the wedding and asked to be let in.

But the bridegroom said, “Ye know me not,” and they were left out (Joseph Smith Translation, Matthew 25:12, footnote a).

What Does It Mean?

The Savior has said that this story is about His Second Coming (see D&C 45:56–59). If we don’t prepare, we will not be recognized as His people. When He comes again, we can’t depend on other people’s testimonies. We need our own. We need to be guided by the Holy Ghost. Otherwise we will not be prepared to meet the Savior when He comes again.

10 Women: Members of Christ’s Church

Bridegroom: Jesus Christ

Coming of Bridegroom: Second Coming of Jesus Christ
