How can I be a peacemaker when people around me don’t get along?
October 2023

“How can I be a peacemaker when people around me don’t get along?,” For the Strength of Youth, Oct. 2023.

Questions and Answers

“How can I be a peacemaker when people around me don’t get along?”

Help Who You Can

young man

“Sometimes we cannot calm down those causing conflict, but we can comfort those who are being hurt. I have found myself in this situation. Instead of confronting the aggressors, we can help the others involved. We can bring them peace.”

Eddy A., 17, Guatemala

Step In

young woman

“When my siblings are fighting or arguing and my mom is super stressed out, I can be a peacemaker by stepping in and helping my mom. By doing that, we can all become closer.”

London H., 15, Alabama, USA

Seek God

young woman

“We can pray in our hearts and ask how to be a peacemaker. Sometimes an immediate answer comes, and other times we must trust God. If we follow God and seek to be like Him, we can bring the Spirit anywhere.”

Adelyn A., 13, Colorado, USA


young woman

“Most of the time, people just need to be good listeners. If you genuinely listen to others, you will begin to see them the way our Heavenly Father does: as children of God. This has helped me resolve even the most difficult arguments with my friends and family.”

Anna G., 17, California, USA

Be Kind

young woman

“Be an example to those around you. We can strengthen our relationships with others by making an effort to listen to and respect their opinions and feelings. Sometimes it’s better to be kind than right.”

Joy H., 15, Maryland, USA
