For the Strength of Youth
Tougher Than Temptation
March 2024

“Tougher Than Temptation,” For the Strength of Youth, Mar. 2024.

Strength to Overcome Sin

Tougher Than Temptation

The Savior can strengthen you as you seek to avoid sin.

Repentance is a miracle. Jesus Christ made it possible. Heavenly Father is pleased to forgive us when we choose to repent and follow His commandments. While we will all need to repent throughout our lives, how can we resist sin and make better choices?

Here are some tips for gaining strength through Jesus Christ against temptation:

  • Read the scriptures daily.

  • Pray daily.

  • Go to church regularly.

Sometimes we dismiss these as generic, obvious answers. Don’t fall into that trap! These basic, fundamental answers are repeated so often because they are the basic, fundamental answers! They work.

Do these things, and you will draw closer to your Savior.
