undefined undefined Succeed with the Savior
Succeed with the Savior
March 2024

“Succeed with the Savior,” For the Strength of Youth, Feb. 2024.

Strength to Prepare and Become

Succeed with the Savior

The Savior is helping you fulfill your righteous desires for your future.

Jesus Christ hugging girl

“Prepare for your future.” It seems like that’s the message behind so much in a youth’s life—at school, at church, at work, at home. You may start to think, “Yes, yes. I get it.” Of course you know that the future is coming and you should prepare for it. And deep down, you want to make your future great.

You’re getting to know your own heart. You’re learning what you really want. You want to do good and meaningful things with your life—to make your mark in the world and in other people’s lives, to serve God and your fellow human beings. You’re coming to know that this is right and will make you truly happy.

So, here are some other important things to know as you grow and prepare for the future:

  • The Lord knows your heart too (see Doctrine and Covenants 6:16). Because your deep and sincere desires for your life are good and righteous, Jesus Christ is there with you to strengthen you as you prepare.

  • You’re not just preparing to do things; you’re becoming what Heavenly Father and the Savior know you can become.

  • You can enjoy the present while also preparing for the future. This time in your life is unique, and the good choices you make are preparing you for a good future.

As you think about what you’re preparing for, also think about how the Savior is strengthening you all along the way. And think what He is helping you to become.

What Are You Preparing For?

Here are just a few examples:

  • More education

  • Temple covenants

  • Mission

  • Marriage

  • Work and career

  • Family and parenthood

  • Lifelong discipleship

How Do Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ Strengthen You as You Prepare?

Here are just a few examples:

  1. They send you the Holy Ghost, which can:

    1. Comfort you.

    2. Guide you.

    3. Inspire you.

    4. Remind you of things you’ve learned.

    5. Give you confidence.

    6. Bring you peace.

    7. Calm your fears.

  2. They inspire prophets to teach you through:

    1. General conference.

    2. Church magazines.

    3. Special broadcasts.

    4. Church websites and social media.

    5. For the Strength of Youth: A Guide for Making Choices.

  3. They inspire others to help and support you, including:

    1. Parents.

    2. Friends.

    3. Leaders.

    4. Teachers.

Who Is Jesus Christ Helping You to Become?

Jesus Christ is helping you to become more like the kind of being He is—more like your Heavenly Father.

They rejoice in each small step you take—every scripture you read, every Church assignment you fulfill, every school assignment you work hard on, every test you study for, every practice you attend, every kind word you utter, every act of service you give, and so much more.

With the Savior’s strength, you’ll be better prepared for your future than you ever could be without Him. And you’ll become something greater.