24 Hours
April 2024

“24 Hours,” For the Strength of Youth, Apr. 2024.

24 Hours

Your body does a lot for you in 24 hours. What can you do for it?


Illustrations by Alissa Thaler

Consider this:

And all this happens without your even thinking about it! If you are thinking about it, your body can do even more.

Now let’s be realistic. You probably won’t (and shouldn’t) do any one thing for 24 hours straight. But you can choose to use your time to give something back to the body that does so much for you. This is one way you can show Heavenly Father you’re grateful for the gift He has given you.

My Healthy 24 Hours

So, you’ve got 24 hours each day this week (and every day after!). How can you honor your body as a sacred gift from God?

My Goal:

Example: Get better sleep.

List up to three actions you can take each 24 hours to work toward your goal.


Example: Listen to calming music before bed.


Example: Put my phone away by 9:00 p.m.


Example: Avoid kayaking across the English Channel twice in a row.

Over the next week, mark if you complete the actions you listed above.

  • M

  • T

  • W

  • Th

  • F

  • Sa

  • S

How did it go? Is there anything you would do differently next week?


As you take care of your body, you’ll be blessed physically and spiritually. And you’ll be better able to recognize the Spirit and do Heavenly Father’s will.

“Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you? … Therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s” (1 Corinthians 6:19–20; see also Doctrine and Covenants 89).

And, as President Russell M. Nelson has said, “In giving us the gift of a body, God has allowed us to take a vital step toward becoming more like Him” (“We Can Do Better and Be Better,” Apr. 2019 general conference [Ensign or Liahona, May 2019, 68]).