“Do Good and Stand for Truth and Right,” For the Strength of Youth, June 2024.
Do Good and Stand for Truth and Right
You have countless opportunities to help build the kingdom of God—no matter where you are.
The faithful Nephite leader Gideon knew false doctrine when he heard it. He had heard it from king Noah and his wicked priests who “were lifted up in the pride of their hearts,” and “supported in their laziness” by forcing the people to give them everything they needed to live (Mosiah 11:5–6). They also taught the people to sin.
After King Noah had Abinadi killed and sought to destroy Alma and his converts, Gideon vowed to stop the king and put an end to such wickedness. He spared Noah only because of a Lamanite invasion. Later, Gideon recognized that the people had been put in bondage by the Lamanites because they had refused to turn from their iniquities. After the people repented, he then helped them escape.
As an old man, Gideon once again confronted pride and wickedness as he stood before Nehor, who was attempting to “lead away the people of the church” (Alma 1:7). Using the word of God as his only weapon, valiant Gideon confronted Nehor and his wickedness. Nehor responded angrily by attacking Gideon with his sword and, sadly, killing the “righteous man” who had “done much good among [his] people” (Alma 1:9, 13).
Today, like Gideon, you have countless opportunities to be “an instrument in the hands of God” (Alma 1:8) by serving others, standing for righteousness, and protecting the freedom to worship. As you follow Gideon’s faithful example, you can do “much good” for those around you.
Unite in Service
As a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, you can show your love for God and your neighbors by seeking to bless others and helping those in need. I am grateful for the unselfish service and ministering that you and other members of the Church offer in wards, branches, stakes, and temples throughout the world.
You also have countless opportunities to engage in service in your community and contribute to educational and charitable organizations that seek to uplift and help people. Many blessings come as we unite in service to others. “When we join hands to serve people in need,” said President Henry B. Eyring, Second Counselor in the First Presidency, “the Lord unites our hearts.”
“Hold Up Your Light”
One important way you do good is by keeping your covenants and leading a Christlike life—no matter where you are. “Hold up your light that it may shine unto the world,” the Savior said. “Behold I am the light which ye shall hold up—that which ye have seen me do” (3 Nephi 18:24; see also Matthew 5:14).
Whether at school, work, or play, whether on vacation, on a date, or online, do not be “ashamed to take upon [you] the name of Christ” (Alma 46:21). Let your voice be heard in defense of righteousness by sharing your faith and beliefs.
By your words and your works, you can witness to Heavenly Father’s children that you follow His Son. As you stand up for truth and right by holding up the Savior’s light, people around you will notice you and heaven will root for you.
Stand for Religious Freedom
In many ways, our day is not so different from the time Nehor attempted to lead the people away from the Church. Religious freedom is under attack all over the world, and the voices of those who oppose religion’s vital role in society are growing louder.
Attacks on religious freedom will succeed if we do not stand up for our religious rights. “As a church,” I recently taught, “we join with other religions protecting people of all faiths and persuasions and their right to speak their convictions.”
You need never apologize for your faith. Vibrant religious faith strengthens and protects families, communities, and nations. It encourages obedience to law, respect for life and property, and teaches morality, charity, generosity, integrity, and honesty—essential virtues needed for a just, free society to thrive.
Like Gideon, you can do “much good” and build the kingdom of God as you diligently serve, hold up your light, and stand for religious freedom. May the Lord bless you in your efforts to do “much good” among your family, community, and nation.