“A Testimony Is Like …,” For the Strength of Youth, June 2024.
A Testimony Is Like …
Illustrations by Uran Duo
During His life, the Savior taught people by using parables and stories. Sometimes He used multiple stories to teach the same thing (like in Luke 15).
It can be helpful to look at a gospel principle from lots of different angles. Here are a few ways to look at a testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ, including some from the scriptures.
A testimony is like …
A Seed
When you willingly plant a seed, or the word of God, in your heart, you can see it grow and produce good fruit. In other words, sometimes a testimony grows best when you’re willing to try living the way God has asked, even if you only have the tiniest desire to believe. Then God can show you the fruits, or blessings, that come when you follow Him. Your testimony will grow as you continue to nourish it. (See Alma 32:28–43.)
Have I noticed any good fruits that have come from nourishing my testimony?
A Stone Wall
When a person builds a wall out of stones, not every stone is the same size or shape. Sometimes a stone might not fit yet, but that doesn’t mean you should get rid of it! Similarly, there might be things about the gospel that you don’t understand yet. Keep building your testimony one stone at a time, and eventually, it will be strong for you.
What stones can I be patient with as I build my testimony wall?
Oil in a Lamp
In the parable of the ten virgins, five women didn’t have their own oil. They couldn’t borrow any from others once it was time to meet the bridegroom, who represents Jesus Christ. Those who had their own oil were able to follow the bridegroom. When it comes to testimonies, at some point, you need your own! You can fill your testimony drop by drop, like oil in a lamp. Then when big decisions come, your testimony can light the way for you. (See Matthew 25:1–13.)
What am I doing to increase my testimony drop by drop? What could I start doing?
A Pet
If you don’t feed and care for an animal that needs you, it might get hungry, sick, and weak. If you don’t feed your testimony with spiritual experiences and attention, it might get weaker too.
What spiritual things can I “feed” my testimony to keep it strong?
Plants in a Garden
If one plant in a garden is struggling, that doesn’t mean the whole garden is unhealthy. So if one part of your testimony is stronger than another, that’s OK! Keep tending to the plants that are healthy and flourishing, and when you’re ready, you can focus on the ones that need more help too.
Which parts of my testimony are strong and flourishing? Which parts can I give love and attention to when I’m ready?
A House
Where you build your house matters. The same is true for your testimony. If you build it on a sandy foundation, it might not last very long in bad weather. But if you build it on a rock, or Jesus Christ, your house can stand firm even in the wildest storms. (See Matthew 7:24–27; Helaman 5:12.)
What truths am I building my testimony on?
A Puzzle
We all have the same pieces of gospel truths to work with, but the order in which each person puts things together may be different. Don’t throw away a piece just because you can’t see how it connects right now. Be patient as God gradually helps you see the big picture.
What does my testimony picture look like right now?
A Bucket
Drop by drop, the spiritual experiences you have fill it up. But be careful! Sometimes you don’t even recognize that your buckets are slowly filling up. If you get impatient and dump out your buckets entirely because you feel you don’t have a testimony of one thing, you’re ignoring the experiences that are slowly helping your testimony to grow. Let your testimony bucket fill up.
What do I already believe in that I shouldn’t throw away?