For the Strength of Youth
Our Constant Companion
August 2024

Words to Live By

Our Constant Companion

We need the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost. We desire it, yet we each think, say, and do things in our daily lives that can offend the Spirit.

If you are having difficulty feeling the Holy Ghost:

  • Ponder whether there is anything for which you might repent and receive forgiveness.

  • Pray with faith to know what to do to be cleansed.

young woman praying

If you want to receive the companionship of the Holy Ghost:

  • You must want it for the right reasons.

  • The key is to want what the Savior wants.

  • I try to remember the Savior’s sacrifice and His love for me.

Jesus Christ with young woman

Your experiences will be unique, and the Spirit will guide in the way best suited to your faith and capacity to receive revelation. I pray with all my heart that your confidence will grow.
