20 Ideas for a Month-Long Easter Celebration
People celebrate Christmas all December. Why not have a month-long Easter celebration to remember Christ’s atoning sacrifice? Here are some ideas.
During December, many people keep Christmas traditions and place an extra-special focus on the Savior all month long.
This month, you could try to do something similar to establish new Easter traditions. Here are 20 ideas, one for each day from April 1 until April 20 (Easter). Feel free to come up with your own!
Illustrations by Katy Dockrill
Visit someone you haven’t seen in a while. This can remind you of Christ’s visiting Mary, His Apostles, and multitudes of people after His Resurrection.
Make a “Because of Him” journal. Each day, finish the sentence “Because of Him …” in a journal with something new you are grateful to the Savior for.
Listen to or sing hymns and songs about Christ and Easter.
Make and fly a paper kite. In Bermuda, this is a common Easter tradition to celebrate Christ’s rising from the tomb.
Visit a cemetery. Think about the gift of everlasting life!
Listen for messages about Christ’s Atonement during general conference. Think about what Christ’s Atonement means for you individually.
Serve others. Spend time serving and trying to be more like Christ.
Learn to bake rolls or bread. As the bread rises, think about how Christ rose from the dead.
Watch the 2024 Easter message videos from the prophets and apostles. Find these videos at newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.org/article/apostles-jesus-christ-easter.
Make an “Easter egg tree.” Write qualities of Jesus Christ on slips of paper, put them in plastic eggs, and hang them on a tree as a decoration.
Walk through a garden or nature. As you do so, think about Christ praying, suffering, and taking upon Himself the sins of the world in the Garden of Gethsemane.
Forgive someone. Think about how Christ asked Heavenly Father to forgive the people who betrayed Him as He was crucified on the cross.
Make paper palm leaves. This can remind you of Palm Sunday, Christ’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem.
Find and decorate a rock and place it somewhere visible. Do this to help you think about the stone covering the tomb. On Easter, move the rock to celebrate the tomb being empty!
Surprise a family member by cleaning something for them. Wash the dishes, clean the bathroom, or make someone’s bed! Remember how the Savior cleansed the temple.
Study the events of the last week of Christ’s life. The week before Easter, learn with your family about the last week of the Savior’s life.
Eat dinner by candlelight. Think about Christ and His Apostles enjoying the Last Supper at night by lamplight.
Uplift others on Good Friday. The Friday before Easter is Good Friday. Spread some good by serving others or sharing a positive message on social media!
Study 3 Nephi 11. Learn about Christ’s visit to the people in the ancient Americas after His Resurrection.
Easter Suday! Time to reflect. Enjoy church. Then reflect on everything you’ve done this month to focus on Jesus Christ. What changes can you make to remember Jesus Christ more throughout the year?