April 2017 General Conference
General Women's Session Mo’olung ko pi Ppin
Trust in the Lord and Lean Not
Bonnie H. Cordon
The Beauty of Holiness
Carol F. McConkie
Certain Women
Linda K. Burton
“My Peace I Leave with You”
Henry B. Eyring
Saturday Morning Session Mo’olung ko Sabado ni Kakadabul
Gathering the Family of God Kunuy e Tabinaew rok Got nga Ta’abang
His Daily Guiding Hand
M. Joseph Brough
The Plan of Salvation Fare Wo’en e Thap
Weatherford T. Clayton
Our Good Shepherd Tagafaliy e Saf nib fel’ rodad
Dale G. Renlund
Confide in God Unwaveringly Non Ngak Got ni Dam Tal
Ulisses Soares
Saturday Morning Session Sabado Mo’olung ni Kakadabul
Mark A. Bragg
Drawing the Power of Jesus Christ into Our Lives Pinning e Gelngin ku Yesus Kristus nga Yafas Rodad
Russell M. Nelson
Saturday Afternoon Session Mo’olung ko Sabado ni Mithig Yal’
The Sustaining of Church Officers Sustain Nag e Pi Officer ko Galasia
Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Church Auditing Department Report, 2016 Church Auditing Department Report, 2016
Kevin R. Jergensen
Statistical Report, 2016 Statistical Report, 2016
Brook P. Hales
Becoming a Disciple of Our Lord Jesus Christ Mang e Gachalpen ku Somoel Rodad I Yesus Kristus
Robert D. Hales
Songs Sung and Unsung
Jeffrey R. Holland
Stand Up Inside and Be All In Sak’iy Ngalang Ulangin Ngam Gayed e Rayog Rom
Gary B. Sabin
The Language of the Gospel Fare Thin ko fare Gospel
Valeri V. Cordón
Overcoming the World
Neil L. Andersen
Return and Receive Musul ngam Thapeg
M. Russell Ballard
General Priesthood Session General Priesthood Session
Kindness, Charity, and Love Gol, Tu’ufeg, nge Adag
Thomas S. Monson
Called to the Work Kan Pong ko fare Murwel
David A. Bednar
Prepare the Way Fal’eg Rogon e Kanawo’
Gérald Caussé
The Greatest among You
“Walk with Me” “Mu un Ngog”
Sunday Morning Session Madnom Kakadabul Mo’olung
The Power of the Book of Mormon Fare Gelngin fare Babyor ko Mormon
A Sin-Resistant Generation
Joy D. Jones
Sunday Morning Session Mo’olung ko Madnom ni Kakadbul
Yoon Hwan Choi
Let the Holy Spirit Guide
Ronald A. Rasband
Whatsoever He Saith unto You, Do It N’en Nra Yog Ngomed ni Ngam Rin’ed e Aram e N’en ni Ngam Rin’ed
L. Whitney Clayton
The Godhead and the Plan of Salvation Fare Got nge fare Wo’en e Thap
Dallin H. Oaks
Perfect Love Casteth Out Fear
Sunday Afternoon Session Mo’olung ko Madnom ni Misiw’
The Voice of Warning Fare Pong nibe Magar Nigey
D. Todd Christofferson
To the Friends and Investigators of the Church
Joaquin E. Costa
Then Jesus Beholding Him Loved Him Me Changar Jesus Ngak Nike Runguy
S. Mark Palmer
How Does the Holy Ghost Help You?
Gary E. Stevenson
And This Is Life Eternal
C. Scott Grow
That Our Light May Be a Standard for the Nations
Benjamín De Hoyos
Foundations of Faith Tin Nib Ga’ Fan ko Mich
Quentin L. Cook