April 2021 General Conference Saturday Morning Session Saturday Morning Session Russell M. NelsonWelcome MessagePresident Nelson welcomes us to general conference, notes how the Lord is hastening His work, and invites us to remove debris from our lives so that we can be more worthy. Dieter F. UchtdorfGod among UsElder Uchtdorf teaches us to have hope, not be discouraged, and see the ways in which God is among us. Joy D. JonesEssential ConversationsSister Jones reiterates the importance of teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to our children. Jan E. NewmanTeaching in the Savior’s WayBrother Newman reiterates the importances of teaching like the Savior in the Church and in our homes. Gary E. StevensonHearts Knit TogetherElder Stevenson teaches the importance of kindness, love, and respect, offering specific counsel to children, youth, and adults. Gerrit W. GongRoom in the InnElder Gong teaches that the Savior invites us to be good Samaritans who welcome all to His Inn (meaning His Church), where they can find refuge. Henry B. EyringI Love to See the TemplePresident Eyring testifies of the spiritual blessings that come to those who serve in the temple. Saturday Afternoon Session Saturday Afternoon Session Dallin H. OaksSustaining of General Authorities, Area Seventies, and General OfficersPresident Oaks presents the General Authorities, Area Seventies, and General Officers for a sustaining vote. Jared B. LarsonChurch Auditing Department Report, 2020Jared B. Larson presents the Church Auditing Department report for 2020. Jeffrey R. HollandNot as the World GivethElder Holland teaches that we can find peace in Christ, even in the midst of conflict and contention. Jorge T. BecerraPoor Little OnesElder Becerra teaches the importance of caring for one another and recognizing that we are all needed in the kingdom of God. Dale G. RenlundInfuriating UnfairnessElder Renlund teaches that we should not let unfairness make us bitter or corrode our faith but should ask God for help and increase our reliance on the Savior. Neil L. AndersenThe Personal Journey of a Child of GodElder Andersen teaches that God’s spirit children come to earth on their own personal journeys and that we should welcome them, safeguard them, and love them. Thierry K. MutomboYe Shall Be FreeElder Mutombo teaches that Jesus Christ is the Light of the World and that He can guide us in dark and troubling times. M. Russell BallardHope in ChristPresident Ballard shares five key principles that can help anyone who is lonely, including those who are single, find hope in Jesus Christ. Priesthood Session Priesthood Session Quentin L. CookBishops—Shepherds over the Lord’s FlockElder Cook teaches about how bishops care for members of the rising generation in their wards. Ahmad S. CorbittYou Can Gather Israel!Brother Corbitt teaches that the youth of the Church can help gather Israel as they understand their true identity and unique power. S. Gifford NielsenThis Is Our Time!Elder Nielsen reminds us that we can take courage in the thought that we have been sent here by Heavenly Father at this decisive time in history in order to fulfill His purposes. Henry B. EyringBless in His NamePresident Eyring teaches priesthood holders that the purpose for their receiving the priesthood is to bless people on the Lord’s behalf and in His name, magnifying their callings with love and diligence. Dallin H. OaksWhat Has Our Savior Done for Us?President Oaks teaches that Jesus Christ made it possible for each of us to return to our Heavenly Father and achieve our eternal destiny. Russell M. NelsonWhat We Are Learning and Will Never ForgetPresident Nelson teaches four lessons he hopes we have learned through the pandemic. Sunday Morning Session Sunday Morning Session Ulisses SoaresJesus Christ: The Caregiver of Our SoulElder Soares teaches about Jesus Christ, His Atonement, and the gift of repentance. Reyna I Aburto//Death, Victory\\ NoneSister Aburto testifies of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and that His Atonement helps us overcome sorrow and find hope. S. Mark PalmerOur Sorrow Shall Be Turned into JoyElder Palmer testifies of the Resurrection and shares how his parents joined the Church. Edward DubePressing toward the MarkElder Dube encourages us to focus on our goal of eternal life with God, no matter what challenges this life brings. José A. TeixeiraRemember Your Way Back HomeElder Teixeira teaches the importance of following the Savior as we work toward returning to our heavenly home. Taniela B. WakoloGod Loves His ChildrenElder Wakolo testifies of God’s love and describes how He shows that love to His children. Chi Hong (Sam) WongThey Cannot Prevail; We Cannot FallElder Wong teaches that we cannot fall if we build our foundation on Jesus Christ. Michael John U. TehOur Personal SaviorElder Teh teaches the importance of coming to know the Savior and appreciate His Atonement on a personal level. Russell M. NelsonChrist Is Risen; Faith in Him Will Move MountainsPresident Nelson testifies of the power of faith in Jesus Christ to help us overcome life’s challenges. He suggests five ways to develop stronger faith. Sunday Afternoon Session Sunday Afternoon Session Dallin H. OaksDefending Our Divinely Inspired ConstitutionPresident Oaks describes the divinely inspired principles in the United States Constitution. He teaches how Latter-day Saints can defend these principles. Ronald A. Rasband“Behold! I Am a God of Miracles”Elder Rasband testifies that miracles continue to bless followers of Jesus Christ, according to our faith and God’s will. Timothy J. DychesLight Cleaveth unto LightElder Dyches teaches that Jesus Christ is the Light of the World and the source of true happiness and peace. D. Todd ChristoffersonWhy the Covenant PathElder Christofferson describes five elements of what it means to be on the covenant path and encourages us to heed the prophet’s call to stay on the path. Alan R. WalkerThe Gospel Light of Truth and LoveElder Walker teaches that the work of God is progressing at an accelerated pace in the latter days. David A. Bednar“The Principles of My Gospel”Elder Bednar teaches that correct gospel principles help us make wise choices and stay on the covenant path. Russell M. NelsonCOVID-19 and TemplesPresident Nelson talks about the reopening of temples and announces plans to construct new temples.